The way to get out there and start creating is to realize that people are creating way weirder things and getting paid for it.

You showing up for 2 minutes to talk about your life is not groundbreaking.
The greatest judgment you will face is from the people closest to you. This is the biggest blockage for you.
There is almost never anything to gain but creative fulfillment when you begin an artistic journey. It’s just the work or the process that counts.
From the side, people actually admire you.They wish they had something to show for their individual personality that isn’t a resume title.
You have to build a creative ego. Yes, the economy currently does not support my vision. And what? I am supposed to listen to that. To the base consumptive desires of a human being?
No, your job is to expand your mind while providing for your mind and body, and creating what your spirit desires to see in the world.
It’s a lot to combine all in one. But that’s why we need lifestyle categories. Career, play, art, healing. Everything is combined as one state of consciousness in my mind. For the world to understand you, though, categories help a lot.
Defining yourself through “niches”, identities, and communities helps you explain your mission to the world.
It can be big and bold and big picture. But, try to get out there and say it.
There are levels of photography and design. There are levels of writing and philosophy.
Try to get out there and describe yourself as that thing, because that is the scariest part.
The courage to own an identity or title will also be your proudest achievement at the end of the day or at the end of the year.